HackRF DoorBell Ringer Part 1 – Capture

So this is another hello world style project that’s been done a bunch of times by others but not me, take your simple wireless doorbell and try to make it ring with your SDR 🙂

The bottom of my Friedland doorbell receiver unit helpfully showed it was transmitting on 433Mhz, pretty much as expected. A little listening with GQRX identified the signal:

Original CaptureThe signal appeared to comprise of fast on off bursts, On Off Keying. As suggested by other peoples attempts at things like this, I used baudline for the first time to have a closer look at the bursts and we can see things a bit more clearly.

doorbell2 baudlineThis didn’t help too much beyond giving me a count of the number of bursts per button press, they looked similar enough to the eye too. I’m not sure if there would have been a better way to look at this in baudline but will have a look at it again another time.

I recorded the AM signal audio in GQRX to a WAV file, the bursts were quite clear to the ear. On opening this up in audacity we can see groups of pulses making up a single button press. doorbell3 On zooming in to a button press, we can see these button presses are made up of similar looking groups.

doorbell4And closer again we can see the signals are well defined with the first four peaks equidistant which suggests a preamble/sync. Each of the groups within a button press have the same waveform.

doorbell5Now I tried measuring them but there was no easy way to do this by sight or on paper so I wrote a small python script to take the wav file and alter one channel to be either +1 if > 0 or -1 if < 0 to be more clear. I’ve since changed this to be 0.9 and -0.9 as it’s more readable.

./tobin1.py -i doorbellshort.wav -o out.wav -s
Writing to: out.wav

This worked well and gave me something a bit more readable as can be seen in the output from out.wav, the top channel is the original the bottom channel is the altered one:

doorbell6Now the counting was still awkward so I added a sample count to the script to give the distance between each pulse which enabled me to pull off a stream treating it like binary known as non-return-to-zero. This didn’t however give anything that insightful, but I don’t think there’s going to be much point in going any further with this on a doorbell.

This is the output from above script with the leading 0 removed, we can see the 10101010 preamble/sync noted above:


The next step will be to try and record and replay the request using hackrf_transfer.

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